Wednesday, June 12, 2013

White Dolphin - Yu-Gi-Oh!

I'm returning back to the old old Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Today we look at this beauty.
Flipper: The Revenge
This card annoys me a little, and by a little I mean a lot. There are some animals that I get pissed when people call them something else. Echidnas are not porcupines. Spiders and scorpions are not insects. I know you can't tell because the card is in Japanese (unless you speak Japanese in which case ignore what I just said), but the monster type for this card is "Fish". DOLPHINS ARE NOT FISH. Dolphins are mammals, they are relatives of whales. They breath air. Fish are none of these things.

Of course, the creature in this image barely resembles a dolphin. That is not a dolphin. This is a dolphin.
"So long and thanks for all the fish."
Yes, the Yu-Gi-Oh! thing has a dorsal fin, it has the elongated profile, and the teeth, while horrifying, are fairly accurate for a dolphin. As cute as they are in Sea World, dolphins are still predators, and they need some way to tear apart those fish. But if you look closely at the art, you'll notice the not-dolphin has an additional fin on its back, near the tail. As far as I'm aware, dolphins do not work like that. The flippers are also designed wrong, again more resembling a fish than it does a dolphin.

Another problem with this thing is it has some sort of horn stuck in where the blowhole is supposed to be. Blowholes help dolphins breathe. The thing in the art better not be a dolphin, otherwise it is going to drown. Oddly enough, I don't see any gills on that thing either. How does it breathe underwater?

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