Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gatling Skyterror - Kaijudo

"Red Three standing by."
This guy is a vanilla creature, Magic-speak for a creature that has no abilities. If this were Yu-Gi-Oh, this would be awful, but in Magic and Duel Masters, little generic guys still can have an impact on the game. That's not why I want to talk about this guy though. Following the theme, this card's name and art are originally from a Duel Masters card. What's the difference between the two? Look.
This is based on Magic. Dragons = BIG!
This guy was a huge, double breaking, gatling shooting monster. Yes, you were likely dead by the time you could cast it, but that would be offset by the experience of playing a freakin helidragon! So what do they do for the repackage? They make it worse. Much worse. They took away its abilities and dropped it down several sizes. Looking at the art with the new stats, it feels much smaller than it used to be, I think the cropping helps a bit with that. It feels less dragon sized now and more like a drake, essentially a flying lizard. Oddly enough, the flavor text remains the same.

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