Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gigastand - Kaijudo

Before we begin, I know it sounds like I'm complaining about Kaijudo. On the contrary, I'm happy it's here. It's like a friend you haven't seen in years has returned all grown up. That said, some of the changes Wizards made while repackaging the game just baffle me. If anyone can explain, please do so. Anyway, onto the card.
So which part is doing the gazing?
This guy is creepy. He is a chimera, which makes sense with the art. You can see bits and pieces of flesh, various mouths, horns, sockets, and hair, all clumped together into a menacing form. Here's where things get confusing though. The stats and ability all line up to a real Duel Masters card. That card though isn't Gigastand. Instead, the card was called Horrid Worm. This is what the original Gigastand was.
"I'm feeling slightly bigger today."
The original Gigastand had a recursion ability, where it returns to your hand then you discard a card. The standard black undead thing. Why not just reprint the thing as Horrid Worm? Why slap the Gigastand name and art on this thing. My guesses are they either lost the rights to the Horrid Worm art, or they can no longer find Horrid Worm's art.

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