Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hitmonchan - Pokemon TCG

How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?
Hitmonchan is one of several Fighting type Pokemon. In the original game, after defeating some dojo master, you are rewarded with a choice between two Pokemon; Hitmonlee, who specializes in kickboxing, and Hitmonchan, who specializes in normal boxing. Then came Gold and Silver, where a third one was introduced, Hitmontop, who specializes in, uh, break-dance fighting? Seriously, Hitmontop's gimmick was that it spun around like a top. Another new Pokemon was introduced, Tyrogue, who could evolve into any of these guys.

Game wise, look the card. It's attacks are vanilla, no special text needed. That said, Hitmonchan was a very strong player in the TCG. It had decent stats for a Basic Pokemon, and it's attacks were decent. Evolution back in the old game was very lackluster, and it was better to get a Pokemon that was good from the start than to use a crappy one and try to make it stronger later.

I like it's first attack name, Jab. The name is similarly short and sweet, and it reflects well the scale of the attack. The smaller and shorter the attack, the smaller the damage. Special Punch though is a bit lackluster. What's so special about it? It doesn't do anything extra.

Also interesting, while Hitmonchan is in the first set, it wasn't till the third one, Fossil, that they decided to add Hitmonlee.

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