Thursday, June 13, 2013

Doma the Angel of Silence - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Doma is the first card I'm looking at that has actually been printed in the TCG. This card was part of the original starter decks in the TCG, and the original starter box in Japan. Art wise, Doma is awesome. All the elements come together in a sort of unnerving way, making her intimidating. She has two sets of wings on her back, the bottom being the traditional angel wings while the upper ones resembling more a demon. Then you have the creepy eye on the shoulder. Yes, in modern Yu-Gi-Oh! her stats would get her laughed out, but even in the old game they still had good art.

Now, what I really want to talk about is her name. Doma the Angel of Silence is her TCG name, and the translators took out one very important word to make the demon angel more child friendly. Her OCG name? Angel of the Silence of Death Doma. Yeah, major difference. The original flavor in the Starter Deck version actually outright said this. This fairy rules over death, and administers it when necessary. This was changed in her Metal Raiders release to This fairy rules over the end of existence. While I am annoyed at this censorship, I must admit the TCG name does a better job of reflecting her power level. It's a little ridiculous to think that in this game some guy with an axe could defeat an angel in charge of death itself.

Closing trivia. Doma is likely based on Dumah. According to my research (aka Wikipedia), Dumah is an angel from Jewish tradition, usually siding with Hell instead of Heaven. The word dumah actually comes from the Hebrew and/or Aramaic word for silence.

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