Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Frogzooka - Kaijudo

Insert your own frog pun.
Continuing our story of Kaijudo cards that are direct reprints or that pilfer the art from other Duel Masters cards. I've calmed though over Covering Fire, but I am still unsatisfied. Well, at least the Duel Masters art is good, and was actually meant to be on cards, so I'll be fine looking at it.

So, this guy is a direct reprint, the only changes being name, race, and keywording/flavoring some abilities. Here's the original.
Fish and frogs are very different things.
Oh, and it's a fish.
While I ordinarily would be annoyed at the name change, how can you get mad a card named Frogzooka. It's a freakin' Frogzooka! The one complaint I will make involves the new race, Trench Hunter. This is very generic, kind of bland really. The original was a race called the Gel Fish. And the art makes more sense for a Gel Fish, their bodies being see-through, so you can see the cannons sitting in their stomachs.

Regardless, I'm much more happier with this card than the previous repackage.

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