Monday, June 17, 2013

Covering Fire - Kaijudo

Story time. Once there was a game called Duel Masters. It was very fun, even though it wasn't very original, the game essentially being Magic Jr. That said, I enjoyed it, and I collected it, and played two of the GameBoy Advance games. But then they stopped printing Duel Masters, at least in the US. I don't know what caused this decision. All this time though, the game has been alive and well in Japan, and is still being printed there. Also, some of the wackier mechanics, particularly double-sided cards, appeared in Duel Masters before they appeared in Magic the Gathering.

But recently Wizards decided to give Duel Masters in the states another shot, so they repackaged the game as Kaijudo. Why they couldn't simply reprint it as Duel Masters is beyond me, maybe they were afraid if they kept the old brand name it would scare away potential new players. I bring up this history lesson because of today's card.
You found the secret. A winner is you.
"I've got your back Charlie!"
This card is fairly simple, make one of your guys unblockable for a turn. In Kaijudo and Duel Masters though, instead of untapped creatures being able to block, only untapped creatures with a blocker ability can block. So its value is lessened in that respect, but still, it's a nice trick.

What really bugs me about this card is the art though. Something seems rather familiar about it, I can't put my finger on...
"Gotta go fast!"
Wizards, come on, did you have to reuse the artwork here. I'm fine with you reprinting the older cards, but did you really have to use the same art for what's supposed to be a repackaged game. On the one hand, it does strike a bit of nostalgia, but on the other it makes you seem lazy that you just grabbed whatever art you had lying around and slapped it on. And when I see this, it makes me think of what the original card did as opposed to the new one. Oh, and they reduced the cost by 2.

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