Thursday, June 6, 2013

Project Beale - Android Netrunner

Trivia time. Here's the card.
"Look at all the Android devices I can choose!"
Overall, the card is a simple agenda card that rewards you for advancing it past the requirement. Pretty straightforward. But what in heavens name is a "Beale". After an extensive internet search (aka. Wikipedia), I now know that Beale is a common last name in Britain, and that a lot of people have had the last name Beale. Given that this card belongs to NBN, the corporation in charge of the media in the Netrunner universe, I think the card is meant to be a reference to this guy.
"I'm as mad as hell..."

This is Howard Beale, a character played by Peter Finch in the movie Network. Even if you know nothing about the movie, odds are you have heard the above quote sometime in your life.

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