Thursday, December 29, 2016

Stagecoach Office - Doomtown: Reloaded

Your coach will arrive in a moment.
Stagecoach Office actually shares a name with a card from the original Doomtown, but the similarities end there. The original was an extremely powerful ghost rock engine, while this version is much more scaled back. The effect is simple but flavorful. In essence, you're calling in a stagecoach to take your dude into town, dropping them off wherever you have a stop.

The art on the other hand is not my favorite. Part of my problem is just how nondescript it is. This feels like it could be any building in town, and not the one named. You can barely even see a stagecoach in the art! It's off to left side, mostly out of frame, and the only detail calling attention to it is the wheel. I do however like the arrows sticking in the side, since that tells a little story that happened off canvas. The color scheme is also mostly brown. I understand the purpose of this palette, since we are dealing with an old west setting, but it makes everything so uninteresting and unappealing to look at.

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