Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Marion Seville - Doomtown: Reloaded

You don't want to know what happened to the guy who called him "Marian".
Marion's has a pretty simple effect, which names one of the mechanics of the game: becoming wanted. In the game, there are locations called deeds, which are marked as either public or private. When a dude has a shootout at a private deed, and that dude's player doesn't control the deed, the dude becomes wanted. Some outfits, like the Law Dogs, punish wanted dudes, while Marion's outfit, the Sloane Gang, gives benefits for being wanted. So while Marion doesn't have a standout effect, he does highlight something his group cares about. Flavor wise, I don't quite grasp how the effect works. Maybe he draws both his knife and gun when he becomes wanted.

The flavor text doesn't try any grand world building, but it does at least develop the character, signaling a pet peeve while setting up a previous incident in his life. Plus Pancho mentions that this was the "last" man, meaning there has probably been more than one previous incident. Overall though, I think the text is trying too hard to be humorous. Too be fair though, I have been guilty of the same thing with my captions.

The art has sharp linework, so everything is at least detailed clearly. The framing is nice, with the figure in the center, and the doorway centered behind him. There is also the splash of red on the bandanna, which draws the eye's attention. The one grievance I have is that behind the doorway is nothing but black. I don't want anything too over-detailed, since that would distract from the subject, but we could have had something, maybe just a few silhouettes.

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