Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sapper - Android: Netrunner LCG

noun: a soldier employed in the construction of fortifications, trenches, or tunnels
I've heard the term "sapper" used before, but I couldn't exactly define what it was. I looked it up on Dictionary.com, and came up with a few results. A sapper is someone who digs trenches or other fortifications. Further digging (sorry) turned up that the word "sap" can also mean a deep, narrow trench. The term is mostly used in the military, but I have heard it connected to mining as well.

Well, vocabulary lesson over, on to why I picked this card. I'm not intimately familiar enough with the game to say these things have never been done before, but they are rarer abilities. First you have the ability where if the runner accesses the ICE, they are forced to encounter it. Equally rare is the ICE has a trash cost.

The art is fine, with smooth slabs sinking into a pit in the ground, which alongside the flavor text of the card, makes me think of Dante's structure for hell. Speaking of which, how many different things are there colloquially said to be a special place in hell for?

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