Sunday, January 5, 2014

Skelesaurus - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Jurassic Park of the Living Dead.
I pick on the translators and localizers for the TCG, but occasionally they actually make good decisions. This card is an example of that. While Skelesaurus in the TCG, the OCG version has a different name: Natural Bone Saurus. What. Seriously, this is a phrase I have never heard used in my life. I think I understand why its specified as Natural Bone though. Most dinosaurs fossils aren't the actually bones. They're fossilized, meaning all the bone has been replaced with rock and sediment. That's part of why in GX the Fossil monsters that show up are specified as Rock monsters. Here though we are dealing with the actually bones, as opposed to rocks shaped like the bones.

Still, the Japanese name is odd, just because it sounds unnatural. And this isn't even an artifact of translating the Japanese; the OCG card name is actually in Engrish. The TCG translators must have realized all this, and therefore decided to come up with a new name. Hence the portmanteau above. The English name in my opinion actually sounds better than the Japanese one, thereby proving that not all change is necessarily a bad thing.

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