Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Throwstone Unit - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Missed the castle, but hit the sun up there.
So, what is there to say about this card? It's a catapult. Thank you Yu-Gi-Oh! wiki, I wouldn't have noticed that without you. Name wise, it's very lackluster. Is throwstone even a word? It sounds like someone who has never heard of a catapult trying to describe a catapult. Why not call it Rock Catapult or something?

Narrative wise, you see a group of soldiers attacking a castle, probably the same one that all the Decrees and Commands come from. This is a nice little scene, and a nice change from the usual art style. Most Yu-Gi-Oh art, particularly the monsters, are just the creatures posing slapped onto a prerendered background or pattern. You rarely get an entire scene in the monster art, but this one goes the extra mileage.

Ability wise, things start to make less sense. The previous catapult card was Catapult Turtle, and it was awesome. That effect required a tribute so you could inflict direct damage to an opponent. This card is something entirely different. You first need to tribute a Warrior, despite the art and name showing it throws rocks. Why don't you tribute Rock monsters? Are the rocks in the art supposed to be other warriors? Then you target a face up monster with less DEF than the Throwstone's ATK and kill it with the rock. The more ATK it has, the bigger the rocks it can throw. But since you also lost a monster for the effect, card advantage this is not.

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