Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shipbreaker Kraken - Magic the Gathering

We have another monstrous creature, and this one's a kraken! I'm starting to get the impression Theros Limited is going to be a lot slower. The bestow costs we have seen are huge, and the monstrosity costs are equally huge. Neither mechanic will be any good if the game ends on turn five. Since the cost is big, the effects are equally big. Eight mana turns this guy into a 10/10 and taps down four creatures for as long as you got the kraken. That is some huge board advantage right there. That said, this won't see much constructed play. If a Standard game lasts long enough that you can cast this guy, odds are you're already doomed.

I really like the artistic design of this guy. Most of the time there is very little that distinguishes a kraken from a giant octopus. This though is really unique. This kraken has a bunch of claws and crab-like appendages. It's a blending of other marine life into a giant monster. It's certainly more interesting than the design that appeared in the film I quoted in the caption. A lot more colorful too. The pink claws and tentacles compliment the blue shell and exterior really nicely. It also helps it stand out in a background that's mostly blue.

One quick side note. If Gatherer is to be believed, this will be the seventh Kraken in Magic history (excluding any decommissioned krakens), just like how Celestial Archon is going to be the seventh Archon. Coincidence? Yes, but that doesn't make it any less neat. 

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