Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hungry Burger - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Hungry, hungry burger!
Well, we're stepping back into the world of killer foods. Seriously, how do monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh-verse eat when half the food shown is homicidal? Also odd, why is this guy a Warrior? Admittedly, I can think of a better type to place it, maybe Fiend, since we later see the cook behind it is a demon.

So yeah, killer burger. What more can I say. One nice little detail is at the top right corner. For awhile, I thought this was an eye (despite the fact that there is clearly no second eye present, I'm kind of stupid), but it turns out it's actually a little flag, like the toothpicks some diners or Friendlys sticks in your sandwich. And it's a Japanese flag, white background, red dot.

The companion card, Hamburger Recipe features a demonic cook, remarkably the second demon in the game to take up the culinary arts. I can tell this isn't the same one, because the other demon had a hook hand. This guys hands are both present and fine.

That said, maybe this is an example of a storyline in the card art. Yu-Gi-Oh occasionally likes to tell little stories hidden in its art. There might be a narrative here that goes like this. Demon makes a burger, seen in Hamburger Recipe. Burger goes psychotic, seen in Hungry Burger. Burger bites off the hand of the demon chef, causing him to have to replace the missing hand with a hook.
Chef Ramsey proceeds to call him a moron.

1 comment:

  1. There were actually a few more totally un-human monsters from the very early days that were still labeled as Warriors. Examples include "Stuffed Animal", "Wodan the Resident of the Forest", and "Monster Egg".
