Friday, May 31, 2013

Tomozaurus - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Still on Volume 1, today we're looking at Tomozaurus, with a za instead of an sa because that's the kana the Japanese went with. Since I'm not Japanese, I have no idea whether this is a screw up or not. It is possible though, since the one monster type they accidentally named Undeat. Here's the card.
"Welcome to Jurassic Park!"

Yes, the art for this card is a dinosaur biting another dinosaur in the neck! How awesome is that! Of course, I'm unclear which one is supposed to be the monster we're summoning. Is it the brown guy sinking into the other's flesh, or is it the green one getting torn to shreds. The lousy stats make me think the latter, but the card's flavor text (flavor only present on normal monsters for some reason) talks about the dinosaur attacking its own kind. Meaning, both of these guys are a Tomozaurus.

On a side note, while not released in the TCG, it does appear in several of the many Yu-Gi-Oh! games that made it to the US. But children are extremely sensitive and shouldn't be exposed to the image of blood. Yes, the violence may have been an issue to, but the TCG has a weird thing where you can't show blood, to the point that they recolor it to make it look like some other liquid. Rather than have a dinosaur squirt green fluid though, they decided to just darken the region around it, resulting in this.
Prehistoric hickey.

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