Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Moloch, Eater of Children - Hecatomb

Moloch no like light.
The Gods in Hecatomb are probably the most powerful cards in the game. In the same sense Magic lets you summon planeswalkers to aid you, Hecatomb lets you summon Gods. They usually came with a come-into-play effect (the yellow text). followed by a continuous effect. The Gods themselves were pulled from various mythologies and H.P. Lovecraft. One of the Gods is Cthulhu. Seriously, it's the card name and everything.

This guy, Moloch, comes from the former sources: classical mythology. Moloch was a God associated with the Ammonites and with child sacrifice. He's even mentioned in the Bible, God telling the Israelites not to sacrifice their children to him. I find it very sad that they had to be told not to sacrifice children to the death god, and it makes me shudder to think what they were doing before hand. Moloch also receives a cameo in Paradise Lost, Milton following the tradition of listing some of the old pagan gods as fallen angels. When they made that Sinister film, it astounds me they didn't use Moloch, the evil child-sacrifice god, and instead opted to make up a demon.

Art wise, this guy is freaking terrifying! I think it has the same color scheme problem, but the details that matter, the doll parts hanging from his horns, come in loud and clear.

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