Thursday, January 5, 2017

Aether Tradewinds - Magic the Gathering

There's a man on the wing of the plane!
There is a little story behind this card's name. This card is actually a reprint of a card from Worldwake, but the name was spelled slightly differently. For awhile, Magic the Gathering would spell the word "aether" using that weird symbol that looks like an A and an E smashed together. Once Kaladesh hit the shelves though, they changed the spelling to use standard letters, probably to make things feel a little less awkward. While new cards were printed using this new spelling, this was the first card to be reprinted using the new spelling, helping confirm this was an official change. Other than that, nothing is too interesting about the name, though tradewind is derived from a real world sailing and nautical term.

The effect is simple and symmetrical, which I like. The flavor is easier to grasp too, with both permanents going for a ride together on the wind. The flavor text helps to reinforce the conflict between the consulate and the renegades, showcasing both ideologies. The consulate is careful and rules oriented, while the renegades are reckless and rule-breakers.

I like the intricate design of the airship in the art, the downside of which is I have a hard time telling that is an airship. The background is mostly sky with a hint of city in the left corner. There are also some blue atmospheric effects, showing the ship gathering aether. What amuses me the most though is the small man in the upper right corner, hanging on for dear life.

VS Fumigate: Name -, Text +, Art -

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